Group Art Show 2019

Artwork: Climate Resolved:

Visions for the Earth

Earth as our children deserve

36" x 48", Oil on Canvas

ArtCircle Studio's Annual Group Art Show was held on Sunday, Jun 2, 1pm to 5pm. This event showcased sketches, drawings, oil and acrylic paintings by artists at ArtCircle Studio. Each work of art is beautiful, with a wide array of subjects and techniques. This is a free event.

The image on the invitation card for the show is a work in progress of an interesting collaborative project " Climate Resolved: Visions for the Earth: Earth as our children deserve" by 20 Artists (age 21 and above) at ArtCircle Studio.

We are all aware of the altered climate and if things continue as they are, the future looks bleak. However, with strong collective action, the situation can change. The idea of the project was for artists to think of a climate positive vision they would like to hold in the hope of climate resolved earth. Each artist painted their idea on a sliver of a circle representing earth, starting with the context in the center and moving outwards with the solution for the issue. The background represents a field of infinite possibilities, a dynamic scenario open to effective positive change.

Artists: Katie Rohrer, Madhavi Doelalikar, KrishnaKumar Nair, Sandhya Jaideep, MJ Fajardo, Keerti Jammala, Gopal Krishnan, Wallace Lin, Nathalie Arbel, Komal Bhonapatra, Bridget Bai, Claudia Pfalzer, Aruna Kommu, Priya Priyanka, Evelyn Tu, Yundan Zheng, Deepti Nanawati.

Scroll down to learn more about the interesting and powerful visions put forth by artist community at ArtCircle Studio from many different backgrounds in this meaningful artwork full of positive creative energy.

Collaborative Project " Climate Resolved" in progress pictures

June 2nd Group Art Show 2019

“Artists are visionaries, we routinely practice a form of faith, seeing clearly and moving toward a creative goal, that shimmers in the distance - often visible to us, but invisible to those around us.” “ - Julia Cameron

Artist statements for each section:

We can achieve what we can envision or hold as an optimistic possibility, as hope gives courage to make the small and big changes needed to break from rigid ways of working , laws and policies to support and find different ways to create less damage, creating a sustainable habitat - as there is NO PLANET B.

Starting from the eye, moving clockwise:

  1. “Awake and Aware” - MJ Fajardo

2. “Slice of the Earth”

As the climate changes, the earth might face fires and destruction, I see that our actions have prevented dire situations and peaceful earth prevails. - Evelyn Tu

3. “Train not Plane”

Humans will figure out less damaging modes of travel, both long and short distances

Limiting the global temperature rise to two degrees celsius in this century - that's the goal set out in the Paris Agreement and agreed upon by the international community. In order to achieve that, we'll have to limit CO2 emissions to under two tons per person. But we produce a lot more than that. A return flight from London to New York alone produces nearly two tons of CO2e. Air travel creates very high carbon emissions -Deepti Nanawati

4.“Penguin Pilgrimage”

Reduce carbon footprint and keep their hunting grounds for food intact in cold waters- stay cool with global action - Sandhya Jaipdeep

5. “Circle of life: what you sow is what you reap”

Moving away from toxicity, choosing to not use harmful chemicals, being in nature, growing healthy organic food, fruits and vegetables in community gardens will bring vitality and health we all need, earth will respond with health and vitality as well. Komal Bhonapatra

6. “Greed for life”

As man realizes and releases his greed, the tree of life can flourish and grow, man will have re-evolved and emerged successful as part of nature - KrishnaKumar Nair

7. “Healthy seasons”

Temperatures will balance and we will see healthy seasons rather than haphazard erratic weather - Aruna Kommu

8. “Technology to man’s aid”

Man will wisely harness technology to assist with restoration of earth, create green buildings, healthy food, restore vegetation and water bodies - Yundan Zheng

9. “Zero Waste”

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, compost and upcycle, reduce waste and consumption is the way forward to restore earth’s climate and sustainable habitat - Ji-Wook Choi

10. “Timeless path”

From 1817 to 2019, personal power and clean air have generated through bicycle transit - Katie Rohrer

11. “Oil Pipevine”

“Oil pipelines to turn back to natural vegetation with safe water resources” - Nathalie Arbel

12. “Colorful Coral “

Diverse reef communities and colorful, unbleached reef structures , indicators of healthy ocean - Claudia Pfalzer

13. “Pollutions’ Dissolution”

More trees instead of rising smoke and pollution from industries - MJ Fajardo

14. "Prosperous Sea life "

Less plastic and damaging waste in the oceans, to see healthier sea life - Bridget Bai

15. "Climate Change"

Restored earth and healthy trees will reduce temperatures- Madhavi Deolalikar

16. “Harnessing the Sun”

Solar panels to harness the sun's power for clean energy -Gopal Krishnan

17. Listening to the lungs of the earth

Cooler temperatures with the right actions, my vision is to have pleasant temperatures- Wallace Lin

18. Smart Cars on smart energy

Electric vehicles run on renewable energy to reduce pollution from fossil fuels - Priya Priyanka

19. "Walk together" Carbon footprint: carbon neutral to carbon positive

Human activities are over dominating consumption of resources that are meant to be shared by plants and animals, we will find ways to honor this. Impact of human activity will shift to green footprints, CO2 produced is consumed or sequestered to the point man will be an ally to all elements of nature - Deepti Nanawati

What is a carbon footprint?

Your carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide that is released into the atmosphere because of the electricity and fuel you use. It is measured in tonnes of carbon dioxide.

The main contributors to your carbon footprint are:

  • The type and amount of energy you use to heat your home
  • The electronics and appliances you use
  • The type of transport you use on a daily basis
  • How often you travel by aeroplane

Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is expected to exceed 500 parts per million and global temperatures to rise by at least 2°C by 2050 to 2100, values that significantly exceed those of at least the past 420,000 years during which most extant marine organisms evolved.


What is a Carbon Offset?

A Carbon offset is a way to compensate for your emissions by funding an equivalent carbon dioxide saving elsewhere. Our everyday actions, at home and at work, consume energy and produce carbon emissions, such as driving, flying and heating buildings. Carbon offsetting is used to balance out these emissions by helping to pay for emission savings in other parts of the world.

What is Carbon Neutral?

Carbon Neutral is a term used to describe the state of an entity (such as a company, service, product or event), where the carbon emissions caused by them have been balanced out by funding an equivalent amount of carbon savings elsewhere in the world.

Carbon neutral, also called carbon neutrality is a term used to describe the action of organizations, businesses and individuals taking action to remove as much carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as each put in to it. The overall goal of carbon neutrality is to achieve a zero carbon footprint.

Climate positive means that an activity goes beyond achieving net zero carbon emissions to actually create an environmental benefit by removing additional carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.Carbon negative means the same thing as “climate positive.”