Sun Sculpture Artwork

" Eternal Perspectives on Nature, Prayer and Peace"

Size : 3 ft x 3 ft Fiberglass structure painted with Acrylic enamel paints

Painted for City of Sunnyvale, 2025 by Deepti Nanawati and 41 young artists at ArtCircle Studio:

Cassia Peters, Charlotte Wescott, Shreya Sujit, Alyssa Kolyadenko, Aniera Kharat, Yathir Iyengar, Aaditya Tandon, Malcolm Lin, Adhithi Kumaran, Gabriel Waldman, Michael Waldman, Claire Wong, Kaitlyn Dang, Alyssa Ly, Taashi Pandit, Zoe Ly, Isabelle Johnson, Kaya Gross, Cormac Hawks, Shiori Kato, Maki Kato, Valerie Wong, Arya Patel, Aashvi Kadakia, Arsene Patau, Devarsh Kannan, Nolan Khoo, Nila Micheri, Ayla Oktaymen, Daniel Chieh, Ruhee Nigam, Pallavi Nigam, Akshara Namburi, Maurya Halade,  Nimal Ramakrishnan, Aria Salgaonkar, Myra Punna, Sage Hauser, Rana khazzun, Aum Nanawati, Anoushka Kumar,  additional input: Naomi and Farzana

Exhibition: The Sun Flair - Feb 8, 2025 at 725 Kern Ave Sunnyvale

Installation: Las Palmas Park, Sunnyvale



Both I and young artists have thoroughly enjoyed creating this mind stimulating abstract artwork that draws inspiration from the optical illusion styles of transformation and hidden images to the works by renowned artists MC Escher, Oleg Shupliak and Ocativio Ocampo superimposing upon elements from my "Welcome 2021 : Balance" painting. 

The resulting artwork is not only aesthetic and vibrant, it is engaging and meaningful. The painting elements are split across the two different sides and young artists have added their art, around this idea of illusions and creating an amazing layout of art that can keep you busy for hours and with discoveries and 'aha' moments and will for sure thrill you with their creative intelligence and vitality. Look for the "Treasure hunt" shared below in resources and find upto 30 or more illusions as well as coloring pages from the art on this Sun Sculpture.

The front represents Day time. 

Activities, meditativeness, and quiet serenity of nature, elements included from my painting are the flowers, swans, colors of the day. 

the image is metamorphic to include three different images, approach from the left you will see meditativeness, from the left the swans forming a face in the background and the center is a rising Sun image , meditator and a person enjoying the morning scene. The petals hide in them people engaged in Sun Salutations (yoga), the hills are horses, the trees are the lake itself and the ephemeral face of mother nature.

The Back represents Night time: 

The quietude and coolness of night follows the activeness of the day as a perpetual cycle of growth represented by The Golden Section spiral.  The single shell expands into the waves, sky and then into the galaxy, all based on the revered Golden section spiral. The marks on the shells have been rendered with hidden images of birds, children flying kites, a lion , deer with lots of animals in its antlers, the beach , Dolphins, waves, dragons, corals using elements and colors from my painting from the water section in my painting.

This Sun Sculpture is a testimony to " Creativity is Intelligence having fun "

Resources: Treasure Hunt 

Treasure Hunt

Browse the carousal for pictures of young artists working on this mind stimulating artwork.