Young Artists Art Show 2018

The Young Artists Art Show is an annual event at ArtCircle Studio to celebrate the works of Young artists from ages 6 to 19.

Through the year young artists work for days, sometimes weeks to capture ideas, add layers of details, learn techniques, master their brushwork and color schemes, creating many many works of art. The show lets you see the young artists' progress during the year. It gives them a firsthand experience of art presentation and art appreciation.

The studio is now abuzz with excitement around setting up the annual show to present artwork in a non- competitive gallery style display. The young artists enjoy the limelight and attention they get from fellow artists, family and friends while introducing them to the other skills needed to be an artist. It opens them to the idea of perception of art. This experience enables them to go back to create with even more clarity, motivates them to hone their skills further and boosts their confidence.

The invitation card for this year is a collaborative project. The art work was impromptu by ArtCircle's young artists, signifying their high spirits, excitement and enthusiasm for art. Each balloon in the bunch is a shape of their choice, a snapshot of the many interesting ideas soaring in their minds which was rendered in their own style using one or two colors in a matter of minutes.

The studio is alive and vibrant, decked with artwork display from their choicest artistic pursuits during the year for the:

Young Artists Art Show 2018,

At: ArtCircle Studio

Date: March - 25, 2018

Time: 1 PM to 5 PM

Event fee: Free